Monday, February 11, 2013

Veneer End Table Lamp

 The most recent project we have been working on is an end table veneer lamp. This lamp is being made by each student. The dimensions of the lamps measure 5 1/2 x 5 1/2. It weighs about 6 ounces and is perfectly squared.As you can see in the pictures below, we have the disassembled lamp frame, the lamp frame in progress of being glued together, the finished frame, and the veneer being cut and the finished pieces of the 4 foot veneer piece. In all honestly, I seem to take pride in this exquisite project not because of how I cut it, but the planning and process of going through the measurements seemed to give me a good feeling. Now, these lamps are technically meant for aesthetics rather than light. It is a good project and I can't wait to see what the end result is.    

Monday, February 4, 2013

Router Table

This is a Router Table. It is one of my favorite prodjects so far. This was more of an paint job project. This beautiful project was done by David A. and Tom V.S. The cabinets initnally looked like the picture on the right; paint peeling, bland, worn out. With a quick cleaning and paint job, we restored the natural beauty to these cabinets. The wood on top was bolted to the cabinets, seen below. The wood used to be nail ridden and had a terrible pint job. T make it look better, we gave it a black gloss paint job. After many coats, the table finally came through and looked really nice. I believe that this will last for a pretty long time as long as kids don't put nails in it.   

The Scrap Box

This is a scrap box. Not much to admire. It is a box ment for junk. It was a project that took a long time due to errors, miscalculation,or pure lazyness. Nevertheless, it was completed and looks good. How long it is gonna last is amiss. Judging by how most things are handled or treated, I see a gloomy future for this scrap box. The plexiglass looks nice and has an aesthetic value to it, but I concure. I really wonder if the strength and structrual intergrity of the box will hold out. Only time will tell.