Friday, March 1, 2013

Veneer Lamp

 On the top, you can see three pictures of the finished project. This is a Veneer Lamp. Its design was specifically meant to look like an ordinary box. However, when you turn off the lights, the box will illuminate. This gives it an odd seductiveness to it. I can't say why. It just does. Anyhow, its core purpose is aesthetics and deceptiveness. I think it is a good project. It took awhile to do, but I think it came out quite well in my opinion. Even when I cut the frame wrong, it still came out great. (Some came out horrible, but that's a story for another day). Challenges I had to overcome was the frame not being flush with the veneer wood. This can be seen in a previous post with the picture of the lamp frame. To overcome this problem, I took strips of Balsa wood and glued it to the frame. This made the frame match to the corners of the wood, and flush. So with this problem out the way, I could glue the veneer to the frame, which turned out very squared. My option before this was to rebuild the whole frame, but I insisted on finishing what I started. What are you, crazy? You think I'm gonna spend 2 days rebuilding this thing?! No way. The nonchalant is the ambiance of cause. I put effort into this project. I wanted to see it through, and I did. So I think that this was a great project overall. Not many problems, like the scrap box...

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